E10: Best James Bond Movies

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In this episode, the Alert Spoilers undertake a mission to find the best James Bond movies of all time using a set of rules designed to give Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, and Daniel Craig a fair shot at claiming the title. Maybe even David Niven!

We are licensed to kill it with this one!

This episode’s Spoilers are:

Martin Barnett
Joe Leibovich
Paul White

Topics in this episode include:

- Grisly death by decompression!
- Terrible fashion choices!
- An inappropriate slide whistle!
- Sharks and Thanksgiving floats!
- Explaining who Jackie Gleason is!
- Maggie Smith vs. Judy Dench!
- The Sunday Night Movies!
- The Guinness Book of World Records!
- The Beverly Hillbillies!
- Trying to explain the plot to a Bond movie!

All that and more in an episode of the Alert Spoilers about the best Bond movies of all time!