The Story: Murder In A Southern Town

The Story:

Murder In A Southern Town


Megan Straither of United Access Radio investigates a murder in the small, Southern town of Danning, Missouri. The facts may not be as they appear.





Martin Barnett - Announcer

Ruby Booth - Jenny Lindt

Renee Davis Brame - Donna Howard

Jimm Brumley - Gary Whistler

Tim Burnett - Paul Stevens

David Caffey - 911 Operator

Stacey Cotham - Christy Brown

Chris Davis - Nip Callahan

Warren Grantham - Aaron Brown

Christiana Leibovich - Sharon Huntley

Joe Leibovich - Writer/Director

Michael Rowe - Danny

Brandon Sams - Doc Jones

Nikka Valken - Megan (host/reporter)




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