The Howling Monkey Reads The Comics: 5/19/19 5/19/19 The Unsolvable Mystery We explain why the comics are funny!In this episode we've got Batman hair, a master villain, and the penguins…in color! Also, we learn what Dagwood’s job title is!All that and more in this episode of the Howling Monkey Reads The Comics! Show Notes:We are now on Spotify and Stitcher! Check for us on those platforms!We’d appreciate you rating us on iTunes and what not, and don’t forget to check out our merchandise and other ways to support this idiocy.Links to this week's comicsComics available at Go Comics!:The Born LoserGarfieldThe GrizwellsThe Argyle SweaterPicklesThe Wizard of IdComics available at Comics Kingdom:BlondieFunky WinkerbeanMother Goose and GrimmPopeye’s Cartoon ClubSlylock FoxThe Family Circus The Howling MonkeyMay 19, 2019comics, comedyComment Facebook0 Twitter Reddit 0 Likes