The Settlers of Kattan
Photo by Galen Crout on Unsplash
I am putting a Kickstarter for a new board game called “The Settlers of Kattan”. Essentially, it is a rip-off of the game “Settlers of Catan,” but themed around Chris Kattan’s Saturday Night Live career. My attorneys advise me that if I make this game, I will “be sued into oblivion,” but what do those Poindexters know?
Here are the key rule changes from Catan to Kattan.
All resources will be named after Chris Kattan characters. So you may hear an exchange like “I will trade you three Mangoes for two Peepers and a Roxbury.”
Instead of settlements, you will be building “sketches”
Instead of roads, you will be building “career paths”. Whoever has the longest one wins points!
Armies will be replaced with “managers and agents”
The Robber token will be replaced with a Lorne Michaels token, who will prevent you from producing sketches in whatever hex he is in.
The game will add a “Schneider” token that will move around the board and destroy whatever “sketch” it lands on.
Keep your eyes peeled for this Kickstarter launch, and enter your own fantasy world of Kattan!